
The Molenator

Mole and wildlife removal specialist
Serving the Greater Nashville, TN AREA

specializing in Opossum, Raccoon, Skunks, Moles, Squirrels, Voles, Chipmunks, Birds, dead animals, and more


About The Molenator: John Phillips

I am native to Tennessee and as I grew up, I became aware of how destructive these unwanted animals can be to property owners. Holes made by moles damage lawns and gardens and decrease property values. When I decided to start this business, I knew that my mission would be to become the expert that everyone could rely: The Molenator!

The Molenator was the first mole removal expert in Middle Tennessee and still currently specializes in mole removal. Others may offer a similar service but none have my experience, knowledge and expertise. I have been doing business for nearly twenty years. I have many loyal customers who would only call me for expert mole and wildlife removal. When I report to a customer that there is virtually mole-free, their expressions of relief are the reward. I love helping others and feel privileged to be of service.

Let’s Talk Mole Removal

Call us old fashioned, but we like using the phone.

Text or call us anytime at the number below, or fill out the form on the right and we’ll give you a call to talk about your urban wildlife removal needs.

I’ll be back…

Once a Molenator client, ALWAYS a Molenator client. No matter what type of animal you need removed after the first visit, there will be no additional set up fees for returning customers, EVER!